Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Committed to safe operations

Working safely is a way of life at Pembina and is at the heart of our values.

Our corporate safety culture of “Zero by Choice” seeks to achieve zero harm to people, assets and the environment, and we believe our employees can achieve this by recognizing that “Safety Starts with Me.” This philosophy reflects our belief that all incidents are preventable and that nothing is more important than the safety of our employees, contractors and communities.

We believe all incidents can be prevented and we work hard – through 24/7/365 monitoring, the use of leading-edge technology and comprehensive safety planning – to keep our systems and people as safe as possible.

Maintaining our energy infrastructure – pipelines, storage tanks, gas processing plants, fractionators and associated facilities – is integral to the health and safety of the communities in which we operate.

Not only does a strict focus on safe and reliable operations lessen the likelihood of incidents, it also reduces the cost of our operations over the long term and helps sustain our license to operate.

Our Safety Program is governed by our HSE Policy and is one of the operations risk management programs that forms our OMS. For more information on our OMS program refer to Responsible Asset Management.


Safety Program

Pembina has a Safety Program in place which is aligned with the HSE Policy and other programs that form Pembina's OMS. It employs a systematic approach comprised of principles, standards, procedures, guidelines, and other supporting documents. Supporting the Safety Program, Pembina has established Life Saving Rules and Safety Culture Expectations applicable to all personnel and Pembina activities to ensure critical safety risks are managed effectively.

Life Saving Rules

At Pembina, we value the safety of our communities, customers, contractors and employees, and believe that all incidents are preventable. Compliance with all policies, procedures and regulations is a requirement, and our Life Saving Rules are the basic rules that everyone should know and live by. Working for Pembina means working safely.

Life Saving Rules are nine items that have been selected based on them representing high-risk or high- frequency items. These rules reinforce what staff and contractors must know and do to prevent serious injury or fatality, to themselves or others.

View Pembina's Life Saving Rules.

Safety Culture Expectations

All of those working at Pembina must demonstrate commitment and visible leadership to the key principles of our Safety Culture Expectation:

  1. Safety Accountability
  2. Stop Work Process
  3. Fit for Duty
  4. Competence
  5. Positive Safety Recognition
  6. Hazard Identification & Risk Tolerance

We reinforce our commitment to excellence in Safety and Emergency Management ("SEM") in our daily operations through various management programs, which includes stringent standards, principles and procedures, regular safety meetings, extensive contractor screenings, rigorous project inspections, review of potential hazards, and review of industry best practices. Compliance with all policies, procedures and regulations is a requirement and our Life Saving Rules are the basic rules that everyone should know and live by.

Contractor Safety 

Pembina uses ISNetworld ("ISN") to manage contractor pre-qualification, orientation and compliance. The Construction Supervisor Onboarding Program and Contract Safety Representative Onboarding Process were created to ensure contractors in these roles are provided with a consistent and standardized approach to Pembina's policies and safety culture while ensuring a clear understanding of their specific role.

We view contractors as an extension of our business and as such, it is essential that they perform their work in a manner that is consistent and compatible with Pembina’s standards and expectations.

Read more about safety at Pembina.

Working safely is a way of life at Pembina. Learn more about how we keep our operations safe by reading our Commitment to Safe Operations factsheet


Emergency Phone Number:

Reporting a pipeline-related incident to Pembina's emergency phone number can help pinpoint its exact location, allowing for a faster response.