Pipelines Division

Pipelines Division

Strategically located network of pipelines and infrastructure
Pembina owns and operates a well-maintained and strategically located pipeline network that serves various markets and basins across North America.

The Pipelines Division provides customers with pipeline transportation, terminalling, storage and rail services in key market hubs in Canada and the United States for crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids and natural gas. The division manages pipeline transportation capacity of 3.0 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (mmboe/d)(1), above ground storage of 10 million barrels of oil (mmbbls)(1) and rail terminalling capacity of approximately 105 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboe/d)(1) within its conventional, oil sands and heavy oil, and transmission assets.
The conventional assets include strategically located pipelines and terminalling hubs that gather and transport light and medium crudes, condensate and natural gas liquids from western Alberta and northeast British Columbia to the Edmonton, Alberta area for further processing or transportation on downstream pipelines.
The oil sands and heavy oil assets transport heavy and synthetic oil produced within Alberta to the Edmonton area and offer associated storage, terminalling and rail services.
The transmission assets transport natural gas, ethane and condensate throughout Canada and the United States on long haul pipelines linking various key market hubs.
In addition, the Pipelines Division assets provide linkages to Pembina's Facilities Division assets across North America, enabling integrated customer service offerings. Together, these assets supply products from hydrocarbon producing regions to refineries, fractionators and market hubs in Alberta, British Columbia, and Illinois, as well as other regions throughout North America.
(1) Net capacity; excludes projects under development.

18,000 km

Pembina safely operates approximately 18,000 kilometers of conventional, transmission, and oil sands and heavy oil pipelines across North America.