Energy Transition & Climate

Energy Transition & Climate

Committed to protecting the environment; because we live, work and play here too

We understand the complexity of providing affordable, reliable energy to power the economy, raising and maintaining global living standards while at the same time addressing the risks associated with climate change.

Health, Safety and Environment Policy

Environmental Stewardship 

For details on Pembina's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, land use and biodiversity, see our latest performance report.

Some of the ways we are approaching the energy transition include:

Reducing GHG Emissions: Pembina’s 30 by ’30 target

In 2021, Pembina committed to reducing its GHG emissions intensity by 30 percent by 2030, relative to 2019 baseline emissions.

The GHG reduction target will help guide business decisions and improve overall emissions intensity performance while increasing Pembina's long-term value and ensuring Canadian energy is developed and delivered responsibly. To meet the target, Pembina will focus initially on operational opportunities, greater use of renewable and lower emission energy sources, and investments in a lower carbon economy.

30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2030

Multiple pathways to achieve target

  • Optimizing asset capacity and operations
  • Constructing cogeneration facilities
  • Modernizing and optimizing our assets to reduce the amount of energy consumed
  • Enhancing leak detection and repair programs at facilities
  • Reducing flaring and venting

  • Developing the Alberta Carbon Grid to effectively manage emissions and contribute positively to a lower-carbon economy
  • Evaluating pilot projects for carbon capture and storage at Pembina’s gas processing and fractionation facilities
Our approach to GHG emissions includes:
  • Our commitment to reduce our GHG emissions intensity 30% by 2030*, relative to a 2019 baseline. The target helps guide business decisions that improve overall emissions intensity performance;
  • Reducing GHG emissions through energy efficiency and asset optimization, as well as investing in abatement projects across our assets including equipment modernization, electrification, and small-scale renewable energy projects;
  • Reducing scope 2 emissions through purchase and generation of renewable electricity and the development of cogeneration (“cogen”) facilities;
  • Enhancing our scope 3 emission measurement and reporting;
  • Improving GHG measurement, data management, and assurance processes to ensure timely and accurate evaluation of our progress; and 
  • Continuing to further align our climate disclosures with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

*Pembina’s 30 by 30 target is based on an operational control approach to define our organizational boundaries for GHG reporting and includes all material scope 1 and 2 emissions sources associated with Pembina operated facilities and pipelines, as well as corporate activities.

Advancing Decarbonization
  • We are developing a detailed 30 by 30 roadmap to provide a line-of-sight to meet our decarbonization targets. The roadmap will lay out a set of optimized and sequenced emissions reduction projects or programs that will inform investments, operating improvements, and continuous improvement within our assets. In parallel, we will continue to assess transformative decarbonization solutions applicable throughout Pembina’s operations.
  • Our 30 by 30 roadmap will support alignment of long-range planning with Pembina’s emission intensity reduction targets, minimizing costs to decarbonize while enabling lower operating costs for our customers and unlocking potential new sources of low-carbon revenues.